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The most Magical Paradise island you've never heard of

These captivating daily rituals are performed by a Saunameister, who pours water onto hot stones and then wafts the intense steam throughout the cabin.




Meditation breathing exercises

To calm your nerves Maybe you’re prepping for a big presentation at work and feeling a little anxious. Or a co-worker is getting under your skin. Try this 1-minute deep breathing exercise to sharpen your cognitive function and reduce symptoms of anxiety:

Start by sitting comfortably, and taking a few deep breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth. After a few breaths, gently close eyes and allow the breath to return to its natural rhythm. Once you’re settled in, scan down the body from head to toe, getting a sense of how the body feels, the underlying mood.

Start by sitting comfortably, and taking a few deep breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth. After a few breaths, gently close eyes and allow the breath to return to its natural rhythm. Once you’re settled in, scan down the body from head to toe, getting a sense of how the body feels, the underlying mood. Be clear about your intention for doing this exercise, and how by doing it you can potentially improve the lives of those around you. Rest the mind on wherever you feel the rise and fall of the breath most strongly.
